Dream Builders Society

The Dream Builders Society acknowledges donors who have made arrangements in their estate and financial plans to benefit Memorial Foundation and/or Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Foundation. Through thoughtful planning, these donors help to ensure the ongoing success of Memorial Healthcare System in advancing world class healthcare for the children and families in our communities by leaving a healthy legacy.
The Dream Builder Society donors whose names appear here have granted their permission for publication of their names. The Foundations are grateful for their support and dedication.
Necemia Alyari
Thomas E. and Elaine S. Andersen
John Angiulli and Family
Joseph F. Anselmin
David and Beth Baer
Larry and Constance Barb
Mimi Bauer
Dorothy S. Barnett Trust
Marie E. Barr
Walter S. Barton
Robert L. Berger, MD
George L. Bethencourt
Cathy and Kenneth Bierman
Maxine C. Black
Rita and Phil Blank
Daniel E. Blanton
Jules and Martha Brecher Family
Estate of Selma Brenner
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Brizel
Steven E. and Colleen Brooks
Walter K. Brown
Sidney J. and Estelle Brozen
Roy T. and Angeline Bruno
Norma Burmaster
Albert and Irene Cahill
Guy and Laura Canuel
Ruth Casden
Esther Chassen
Donna L. Check
Joe Cimino
Carmen R. Connell
Linda Cooke
Estate of Elinore Cullen
James A. and Jan R. Cummings
Frank Cuomo
Vincent Dellorto and Mildred Dellorto
Domenica (Sundaye) and Louis DeLuca
Evan J. Dias
Philip T. and Muriel F. Dimmitt
Malcolm Eiselman, M.D.
Charles and Lillian Epstein
Ruth Etchells and Amy Cangero
Carl and Deborah Figini
Manuel and Muriel Finger
Dorothy Conte Finnegan
Marie B. Fisher Trust
Irving Fishman
Betty J. Flayler
Ronald and Florence Forfar
Jack and Faye Friedland
Emmy and Henry Gebhardt
Lydia Ghigliotti
O. Anthony Giannico and Hazel
Ronnie and Carmine Giordano
Sylivia M. Goffman and
Lt. Solomon Goffman
Lee Goldberg
Albert Goldstein
Mark and Ana Maria Gordon
Ana Maria Salaya-Gordon
Gerard F. Gorman
Howard Greenfield Charitable
Florence M. Groover
Sandra Gulden and
Leon J. Goldberger Gulden
Eleanor Oseroff Gutter
Ralph Herr
Helen H. Hill
Ernest and Lee Hochwald
Ray Imperial
Ms. Grace James
Beth and Kevin Janser
Mona Johnston
Irene M. Kessel
Edna Lecks
Ruth Levy
Henry Linker
Louise Lipinsky in Honor of
Michael Godlewicz
Elizabeth Longo
Henry A. Longo
Elsie Luhan Foundation
Joseph A. Luhan, MD
Eugene and Peggy Lutke
Leatrice Maccioni
Carlos Enrique Machado
Loraine Barnes MacIntyre
Margot Madans
Michael Magliaro
Paul Allen Malek, MD and Marco
Michael A. Manion
Celestina Marie Mannino
Deanna Mannix Mitzenmacher
Bertram H. and Susanne Mock
Constance Morgan
Frank Muscarella
John Nigro Trust
Louis J. Novak, MD
Lewis L. and Virgina B. Ogilvie
Yolanda and Natale Palazzolo
Ruth Palmquist
Josephine E. Pater
John D. Pellegrino
Joseph Pellegrino
Edith S. Perez
Henry D. Perry, Jr., M.D.
Julia Petersell
Dan and Reba Pollin in
Memory of Dr. Gerald Pollin
Pasquale (Pat) and Rose Procacci
In Honor of Robert D. Reisman
(on behalf of Fred A. Reisman)
Gerald and Barbara Reiss
Paul and Ronnie Roberts
Thomas A. Rodenberg, MD
Linda A. Rogers
Zigmont "Ziggy" Rosinsky
Lenore G. Rothman
Leah Ruderfer
Paul J. Ryan
Frank V. Sacco
Beatrice and William Sahm
Ernest G. Sayfie
Sylvia C. and I. Robert Schlanger
J. M. Schlanger
John J. Schlemmer
Maria Seco
Bess and Max Sepler
Elizabeth Breitler Shay
Armida T. Signorile
Pauline G. Snyder
Gussie A. Soloff
Ann E. Sommer
Ignazio Spallina
Robert Spina
Irene Renee Staskin
Agatha R. Stefanchik
Lee Stern
Sally and Bob Stowers
Jack Stromfeld
Edward John Tabone
Barbara and Benjamin Tobias
David Eli Trumbower
Ronald H. and Verne D. Uvezian
E. J. and M. H. Vitale
Elsie M. Wear
Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Weaver
Ruth and Sidney Wein
Herbert and Selma Weisz
Lila G. Whipland
Helene and Stephen Wiecholz
Marian M. Wiggins
Alice R. Wiler
Fern Winters
Gladys W. Wohl and
Harvey Robbins
Sara E. Wolfer
Rafael Zeron in Memory of
Manuela Zeron
Betty Zook
84 donors wish to remain anonymous
Gift advisements as of 01/01/2024